Fees Management System


Adhyapana Management System fees collection module makes your working smooth while saving about 90% of manual work, resulting into a hassle free and paperless management.This Module is created specifically to speed up and atomize the work of fee collection and receipt generation with the aim to minimize the human error which occurs mainly at receipt counter.
Fee Module enables to maintain fee receipts and outstanding amounts of student. Class and section wise fee reports can be generated for different months. Fee collection program can be customized according to school’s rule and regulations. It has configurable structure for fines and its calculations thereof.

About Fees Management

Adhyapana Management System are the integrated systems that we are discussing here. At a very basic level, it helps you to collect fees, receive receipts, and create and maintain reports. By these, it means that your management is hassle-free, much more convenient and more paper-free. In short, this approach makes your life a lot easier no matter how you look at it.
Below have highlighted the imperative features of school fees software, and how it streamlines the fees process :
  • Incorporating the best of all systems from around the world
  • Collecting various payments at one go
  • Providing access to school finances
  • Calculating the Taxes
  • Generating Invoice Reports
  • Syncing with Payment Gateways